Association for the PhD in the Visual Arts
The question is not whether artists should get PhD's or not -
the question we should be asking is - what will happen when they do?
Prof. Dr. Malcom Quinn, Chelsea College of Art, London
Associate Dean of Research and Director of Graduate School for Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Graduate School,
UAL and Honorary Senior Research Associate, UCL Faculty of Laws, Bentham Project
PhDVA advocates for the following:
- Cross Disciplinary Support for funding and research
- Sharing research among Pre, current and post PhD artist designers and makers
- A change in the terminal degree in the USA to be in line with Europe, NZ and Australia
- Increased Arts Funding for Practice led and Practice Based Research in the Arts by artists (Federal and State Funding)
- Increased awareness by funding bodies, conference chairs and research outlets of all kinds, of the diversity of PhD holders within the art and art history field to recognize that there are many methodologies to draw upon when conducting arts research.
As an organization that fosters creative, scholarly, and educational dialogue in universities, colleges, community colleges, professional art schools, and museums, PHDVA must strive to understand, dismantle, and resist the legacies of racism and white supremacy, of discrimination of any kind and specifically against age, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), disabled, and/or LGBTQQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersexual, Asexual, plus) communities.
Whoever you are and wherever you are from, you are welcome here.